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Sugaring / Háreyðing með sykurmeðferð
Sugaring hair removal / Sugaring háreying
Nudd - Djúpvefs, slökun, klassískt
Massage - Deep tissue, Relaxing or Classical massage therapy for your well being
Sogæðarennslisnudd / Lymphatic drainage massage therapy
Designed to normalize lymphatic circulation, will strengthen immunity, reduce edema, remove viruses, toixns, bacteria from from the body.
Einkatímar í jóga / Private yoga session
Included: YIN yoga flow tailored to your needs and well-being, meditation, yoga mat, yoga props and tea.
Vellíðunarmeðferð (jóga + nuddmeðferð) / Well-being Bundle (Yoga + Massage therapy)
YIN yoga flow for your well-being + full body massage. You will be able to choose a deep tissue, classical or relaxing massage therapy.
Detalles del vale regalo
Detalles del vale regalo