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Tímabundin tilboð
Snyrtimeðferðir / Grooming treatments
Augu / Eyes
Háreyðing með heitu vaxi til að fjarlægja líkamshár.
Almennt nudd / Regular massage
Massage deluxe
Meðferðarnudd / Trigger points./neck, shoulders and back
Local and referred pain, with visceral alterations, stiffness that hinders movement due to pain, weakness, tonic spasms and muscle cramps.
Fótanudd / Foot massage
It promotes cellular oxygenation and facilitates the elimination of toxins through the activation of blood circulation.
sogæðarennsli /lymphatic drainage
Meðgöngunudd / Pregnancy massage
Paranudd / Couple massage
Slimming treatments
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