Since when was the best also free?
Everyone can use the core part of our product completely for free … forever.
Free basic plan
A free plan for individual users looking to fill their schedules
$0 /mo
Unlimited appointments
Online bookings
iOS and Android app
Email reminders
Client groups
Appointment buffers
Power-up for full potential
Once you’ve signed up you can customize your basic plan with optional power-ups
Appointments Pro
Level up your scheduling game
+ $4.9/mo per additional user

Unlimited client history
Waitlist and memos
Website widget for online booking
SMS Campaigns
* +9¢/ SMS
Optional SMS reminders
* +5¢/ SMS
Whitelists & blacklists
Recurring appointments
Point of Sale
Checkout just a click away
$14.9 /mo
+ $9.9/mo per additional user
Unlimited access to Point of sale
Flexible giftcards
Detailed sales reports
Payment terminal integration
Payment links
Employee commissions
The difference between Free and Appointments Pro
Appointments Pro
+ $4.9/mo per additional user
Never pay commissions
No more paying for new clients. Alternative solutions charge you up to 35% in fees.